
During update for package nss/lib32-nss results in "File conflict found nss"

During update for package nss/lib32-nss results in "File conflict found nss" During updating on a Arch distro the process is indicating there are conflicting files File conflict found nss (/usr/lib/, lib32-nss (/usr/lib32/ conflicting files Searching the file system I did find these two files [user@Arch ~]$ sudo find / -path /mnt -prune -o -name …

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Error updating packages conflicting files (overwriting not working)

Error updating packages conflicting files (overwriting not working) Im gettint an error if I try to update my packages with yay -Syu or sudo pacman -Syu (270/270) checking for file conflicts [############################################################################] 100% error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) python-pip: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-38.pyc exists in filesystem python-pip: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-38.pyc exists in filesystem python-pip: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/ exists in filesystem …

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sudo pacman -Syu fails with "error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)"

sudo pacman -Syu fails with "error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)" I am trying to update an Arch Linux installation: sudo pacman -Syu It goes on for a while and then starts to write error messages such as: (691/691) checking keys in keyring [##############################################################################################] 100% (691/691) checking package integrity [##############################################################################################] 100% error: …

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Why are some package-managers, such as apt and pacman, unable to asynchronously install multiple packages simultaneously, whereas snap is able to?

Why are some package-managers, such as apt and pacman, unable to asynchronously install multiple packages simultaneously, whereas snap is able to? When I attempt to asynchronously install more than one package via apt, pacman, and dnf, the action is prevented until the previous package has been installed. However, if I attempt what I have previously …

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No mkinitcpio preset present

No mkinitcpio preset present My laptop lost battery during an update, so the linux kernel got truncated. After arch-chrooting into it and reinstalling linux, it’s OK, but /boot/initramfs-linux.img (and the fallback) are empty. Also, /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset is empty. How can I fix this, and how can I generate a preset? ls /etc/mkinitcpio.d/ returns nothing Asked By: …

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List all packages that depend on a certain package with pacman

List all packages that depend on a certain package with pacman I have two packages which are in conflict after installing a new one with pacman on arch. How can I list all installed packages that are depending on the ones in conflict? Or more general: How can I list all installed packages that are …

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Issue with pacman: "error: failed to prepare transaction"

Issue with pacman: "error: failed to prepare transaction" Trying to update my package database: $ sudo pacman -Syu [sudo] password for pietrom: :: Synchronizing package databases… core is up to date extra 1770.5 KiB 259K/s 00:07 [######################################] 100% community 5.3 MiB 150K/s 00:36 [######################################] 100% multilib is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade… …

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pacman option to search for packages that own a file

pacman option to search for packages that own a file What is the pacman option to search for a package that owns a file? Like dpkg -S in Debian-based distros. Asked By: mja || Source It is pacman -Qo <filename>. Example % pacman -Qo x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config is owned by pkgconf 1.6.3-1 From pacman(8): Query Options …

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pacman: <filename> exists in filesystem

pacman: <filename> exists in filesystem When installing a package with pacman, I am seeing: error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) station: /usr/bin/station exists in filesystem How do I tell pacman to install the package anyway, overwriting the existing file(s)? Asked By: Tom Hale || Source Check what package includes the filename: pacman -Qo filename …

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Why does Python's pip reset to version 10.0.1 in every new virtual environment?

Why does Python's pip reset to version 10.0.1 in every new virtual environment? tl;dr: Why is pip’s version reset to 10.0.1 every time I create a new virtual environment and not automatically cloned from my global 18.0 installation? Every time I create a new virtual environment I’m told that my pip is outdated. I run …

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Pip vs Package Manager for handling Python Packages

Pip vs Package Manager for handling Python Packages Python packages are frequently hosted in many distribution’s repositories. After reading this tutorial, specifically the section titled “Do you really want to do this” I have avoided using pip and preferred to use the system repository, only resorting to pip when I need to install a package …

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After pacman update, pacsearch is no longer installed

After pacman update, pacsearch is no longer installed I updated Arch Linux and now pacsearch is gone. I know you can pacman -Ss, but I really liked how cool pacsearch was. How can I get pacsearch back? Asked By: TeachMeEverything || Source With the release of pacman 5.1.0, many of those supporting applications have been …

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pacman – get list of packages installed by user

pacman – get list of packages installed by user How can I get a list of packages that were explicitly installed by a user? I’m aware of: pacman -Qe pacman -Qi But those seem to include the default packages for my distribution (e.g. sudo). I want to list only the packages that were installed by …

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Why is pacman-key trying to download the public key for the Pacman Keyring Master Key?

Why is pacman-key trying to download the public key for the Pacman Keyring Master Key? When running sudo pacman-key –refresh-keys I get the following message: gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key XXXXXX not found I could find only one reference to this key (sudo locate found nothing): $ sudo grep -r XXXXXX /etc/ /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/XXXXXX.rev: …

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How to search only 'not-installed' packages in Arch Linux?

How to search only 'not-installed' packages in Arch Linux? What flags can one use with pacman -S to show only those packages, that aren’t yet installed? Will accept shell script if it can’t be done by design. Thx. Asked By: hks || Source After first try was the inverse answer, thanks Jeff Schaller. Here’s a …

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Get info about installed and remote packages with pacman

Get info about installed and remote packages with pacman I’m using pacman 5.0.1 on Arch Linux and I’d like to get information about packages installed on my machine as well as packages in the remote repositories. Information should include a description of the package, its size, and its build date. Asked By: Matthias Braun || …

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Arch Linux pacman error: failed retrieving file

Arch Linux pacman error: failed retrieving file I just installed Arch Linux today. I am trying to install elinks using pacman -S elinks And I get a long, long list of: error: failed retrieving file ‘elinks-0.13-17-i686.pkg.tar.xz’ from some.mirror : Could not resolve host: some.mirror The same happens if I try to install any other software. …

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Pacman: error: duplicated database entry

Pacman: error: duplicated database entry On Arch Linux, I’ve backed up my system with rsync and restored it again, but it seems that my way of doing it (which I did get from the Arch Wiki but must be wrong?) has kept old files deleted by Pacman. This results in the error duplicated database entry …

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How to install skype on arch

How to install skype on arch I’ve looked everywhere and nothing has worked. I am just trying to install skype. I tried to see if it was in the repositories but didn’t find it. So I wen’t to the skype website and found a linux version but didn’t know how to install it after extracting …

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How to search for a package with pacman?

How to search for a package with pacman? I just installed Archlinux and want to install netstat. However using the command pacman -Ss netstat outputs irrelevant package names. A search on internet revealed that netstat is owned by net-tools. Installing net-tools gave me access to netstat. How should one proceed to find the package name …

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