Arch Linux pacman error: failed retrieving file

I just installed Arch Linux today. I am trying to install elinks using

pacman -S elinks

And I get a long, long list of:

error: failed retrieving file 'elinks-0.13-17-i686.pkg.tar.xz' from some.mirror : Could not resolve host: some.mirror

The same happens if I try to install any other software. The only thing I could think of based on what I read is a connection problem, but I’m on the same connection that I used to install the OS, and that was just a few minutes ago.

Asked By: The Ledge


I found an answer, thanks to jasonwryan’s comment.

I tried lots of things to get my ethernet connection to work and it still didn’t work till I researched the netctl command (, man netctl).

ls /etc/netctl revealed that there were no profiles in my /etc/netctl folder, so I ran

cp /etc/netctl/examples/ethernet-dhcp /etc/netctl
netctl start ethernet-dhcp

Before that, I had run (from

systemctl enable dhcpcd@eth0.service
systemctl start dhcpcd@eth0.service

And voila, the internet was working. Not sure which of the commands was responsible, but now it works.

Answered By: The Ledge

Although this has been answered, I encountered the same issue. I resolved it by updating my databases while installing. For instance:

sudo pacman -Syu elinks
Answered By: Oppa

You can also download the package(pkg.tar.zst file) manually and use the command

sudo pacman -U package_name.pkg.tar.zst

I used this method as sudo pacman -Syu command wanted to install few extra packages of total size ~200mb, and all i have was a 8kb/s net connection

Answered By: Jose Kj

Update your pacman mirrors:

sudo pacman-mirrors -g
Answered By: tristobal