
How do I change the number of columns and rows in the terminal?

How do I change the number of columns and rows in the terminal? I have been developing a graphic library for generating 2d graphics on the terminal. I need to control the number of rows and columns to specify the resolution. Asked By: Francisco Zavala || Source To change the number of rows and columns …

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Fixing title of xterm even during editing a file inside it

Fixing title of xterm even during editing a file inside it To write a document I need to put a picture that I can capture from the screen. The picture is supposed to have an xterm which displayout uart output during rtl simulation. But I didn’t capture it when I did the simulation and it …

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xterm seems to change its "home" key behaviour for emacs

xterm seems to change its "home" key behaviour for emacs In xterm, when I press the HOME key on my keyboard, it normally sends ^[[H but when I open emacs -nw, it changes to ^[OH; those are home and khome respectively. I figured out while trying to build my own terminal that ^[[H doesn’t work …

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mate-terminal showing unwanted text when it starts

mate-terminal showing unwanted text when it starts i’am on parrot OS, after a forced restart my mate-terminal begun showing text from bashrc every time it started, after a "clear" it goes away and the prompt is properly colored and everything is functional. i checked bashrc and there is nothing wrong with it. i don’t know …

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is it possible to have application-specific xterm settings?

is it possible to have application-specific xterm settings? I know how to write an .Xresources file to modify the appearance of xterm. However, I wonder if it is possible to have application specific .Xresources, such that I can use the light solarized theme for when I use mutt (xterm -e mutt), a dark solarized theme …

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Change the font used by XTerm for its menus

Change the font used by XTerm for its menus Here I am, using a 185 dpi display, and the font of XTerm menus¹ borders the unreadable small. Investigating XTerm’s XResources, I found a promising name but $ xrdb -merge XTerm*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-180-100-100-*-*-iso10646-1^D $ didn’t help. Is it possible to specify a larger font for XTerm’s menus? …

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write an ascii extended code to xterm

write an ascii extended code to xterm I can copy and paste text with extended codes into xterm (really xfce4-terminal), and they show up just fine. Piping extended characters to a hex editor shows them just fine for example: " Stéphane " in hex shows as: "53 74 c3 a9 70 68 61 6e 65 …

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Make XTerm font bigger with no access to .bash_profile

Make XTerm font bigger with no access to .bash_profile I have a script.sh that runs xterm, I do not have write access to script.sh , .bash_profile , I cannot change it. I want to change the font size of xterm, I changed ~/.Xresources as described. No effect. I tried alias xterm = "xterm -fa Monospace …

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Disable UXTerm has keyboard shortcuts on uppercase letters

Disable UXTerm has keyboard shortcuts on uppercase letters I just configured UXTerm in ~/.Xresources. When I wanted to start using UXTerm, I noticed that some keyboard shortcuts are on Shift + , which is a total blocker. I use Neo2 as my main keyboard layout. All the systems shortcuts expect that layout, even the disc …

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Xterm cd command not working in launch option

Xterm cd command not working in launch option When I launch xterm with the following command: xterm -e ‘cd ~’ -hold A new xterm window pops up saying: xterm: Can’t execvp cd ~: No such file or directory After which the xterm window is still in my current directory, where I can run cd ~ …

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Historical reason for function keys having non-consecutive key sequences in xterm

Historical reason for function keys having non-consecutive key sequences in xterm I’m using gnome-terminal as my terminal emulator, which sets TERM=xterm-256color. The key sequences sent when pressing the function keys F1, F2, … are as printed by $ infocmp -L1 | grep _f | sort -V key_f1=EOP, key_f2=EOQ, key_f3=EOR, key_f4=EOS, # gap 4 key_f5=E[15~, # …

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Xterm / Aterm takes ages to redraw the screen when changing workspace

Xterm / Aterm takes ages to redraw the screen when changing workspace This is a weird problem that i’m having, so i love xterm i’ve been using it for over a decade, and I’ve never had any problems with it. I was using it xterm fine under debian / gentoo / solaris / hp ux, …

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Clearing tmux terminal throws error: "'tmux-256color': unknown terminal type."

Clearing tmux terminal throws error: "'tmux-256color': unknown terminal type." Originally, I was trying to determine why some directories show up differently colored than others when using the ls command. While playing around with this. I have now encountered the problem of not being able to clear the screen inside a tmux terminal $ clear ‘tmux-256color’: …

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How to make XTerm smaller-vt-font() and larger-vt-font() use smoother steps?

How to make XTerm smaller-vt-font() and larger-vt-font() use smoother steps? I’m using smaller-vt-font() and larger-vt-font() to quickly change the font size. However, the steps in which the font size changes are too big and I want them to be smoother so the resulting font sizes are closer to the default font size. After doing some …

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Access xterm's scrollback buffer as a file

Access xterm's scrollback buffer as a file Is it possible to, somehow, access xterm’s scrollback buffer as a (read-only) file or a character device? The core issue (to avoid x/y “problemming”), is this: sometimes the command I’ve just executed creates non-deterministic output, and I’d like to use its output somehow without pre-thought of tee-ing it. …

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