
What's the "new" way of checking the established connections in strongswan

What's the "new" way of checking the established connections in strongswan Previously it was in ipsec statusall. Now with swanctl I can only see swanctl –list-conns but it only shows the configuration details, not the runtime statistics: eg bytes transferred, negotiated ciphersuites, reauth/rekeying stats, and so on and so forth. So, is there any similar …

Total answers: 1

IPSec tunnel works until rekeying, then gets NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN

IPSec tunnel works until rekeying, then gets NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN Context I have set up a site-to-site IPSec tunnel between a Raspberry Pi located in an office and a pfSense firewall in the cloud. I am using Strongswan for the Raspberry Pi side. Issue My tunnel establishes and works fine for a while, but when it has …

Total answers: 1