
How much space do I need to create a symlink?

How much space do I need to create a symlink? I have a server which contains 1 TB of space. I filled it to capacity; then I wanted to make a symlink. I removed a different symlink, but the server still wasn’t happy – it said I didn’t have any space available. Didn’t I just …

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what is storage virtualization in contrast to?

what is storage virtualization in contrast to? i’m reading up on storage virtualization and i’m trying to understand what this is in contrast to, or a solution to, or why it exists at all? some guy came up with the idea of storage virtualization, why? why did he do it? what was the problem …

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Docker taking too much space, even after removing all the images and containers

Docker taking too much space, even after removing all the images and containers I started using Docker recently and Docker was taking up too much space even after i prune all the dangling containers and images. When is try to run sudo docker system prune –all -f it shows "container prune" requires API version 1.25, …

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Disk space is not freed up when deleting files on a hard drive

Disk space is not freed up when deleting files on a hard drive After deleting files on a veracrypt-encrypted drive with no disk space left, no disk space is freed up. I’m trying to sync a hard drive to another one as described here. That target drive is full and I can’t free disk space …

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Best pratice to remove a fail disk/PV from VG

Best pratice to remove a fail disk/PV from VG I’m new to LVM and still don’t know what is best practice to remove a failed disk/PV? For example: I have a thin pool my_volume_group/my_lv. I remove a disk (/dev/sde) from the raid controller, and lvm gives this warning: WARNING: Couldn’t find device with uuid QHOWyk-Ofjr-jnqU-iF7i-YqSJ-BeI4-UpqeI7. …

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UNIX – Determine Physical Device of specific File System

UNIX – Determine Physical Device of specific File System While trying to troubleshoot a possible I/O disk performance issue on AIX 7.2: $ oslevel -r 7200-05 $ oslevel I’m trying to understand how to identify the target device (iostat), without installing additional packages, as the AIX server has no access to the internet or …

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Ubuntu's sudden root storage volume is full ( 20.04 )

Ubuntu's sudden root storage volume is full ( 20.04 ) I have recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 as a dual boot, for the third time when I turned on the system, the system did not enter the desktop anymore; After restarting it twice, it entered the desktop and the page opened that the root is very …

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Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition?

Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? I’m currently using Ubuntu 20.04 on my machine. Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? Why? Also if the size of the filesystem created in a partition is less than the partition size, can we extend the filesystem size in the future? …

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Is there a simple way to delete MRS partition in new external drive?

Is there a simple way to delete MRS partition in new external drive? I just bought a 5TB external USB drive. This is what lsblk shows for it: % lsblk –output=NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,SIZE /dev/sdd NAME FSTYPE LABEL SIZE sdd 4.6T ├─sdd1 128M └─sdd2 ntfs Seagate Portable Drive 4.6T I understand that the little 128M partition under /dev/sdd1 …

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Replacing motherboard – concerned about breaking volume groups

Replacing motherboard – concerned about breaking volume groups I am planning to replace my motherboard to get one with additional functionality. I currently have a volume group that spans multiple physical HDD. I plan to use the same o/s disk/config (just shut down, swap mother board, reboot). Am I in danger of breaking the volume …

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Inaccessable partition with 477GB

Inaccessable partition with 477GB I recently installed Linux on my computer and the intention was to have a dual boot but that failed and wiped my disk of the Windows boot which isn’t a big deal. However, I now have the unusable space from the Windows boot in this partition here. Is there any way …

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Why "mount | grep sdb" displays no output, when "sdb" drive is a [swap] partition?

Why "mount | grep sdb" displays no output, when "sdb" drive is a [swap] partition? I’m learning about lsblk and mount commands in Ubuntu. I’m using Linode vps server, 2CPU, 4GB ram with 1 additional block storage volume attached. I have 2 questions related with this subject. At first I’ve run lsblk command: michal@ubuntu:~$ lsblk …

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Why doesn't my hard drive show up as a block device?

Why doesn't my hard drive show up as a block device? My external hard drives shows up on another machine, running Arch Linux, although on Debian 11 the device doesn’t show up in fdisk or lsblk: $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT mmcblk0 179:0 0 119.4G 0 disk ├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M …

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How to backup many large files to single compressed file on S3

How to backup many large files to single compressed file on S3 I have an application that has many thousands of files totaling over 10TB. I’d need to backup this data somewhere (probably to AWS S3). I’d like to: compress data being backed up save the backup as a single file For example as a …

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Unexpected disk label

Unexpected disk label I have a USB with a disk-label and a file-system label. I am wondering how to change the disk-label. Everywhere I read that there is no disk-label. And that is what I though, but I seem to have one. Where is this label stored and how can I change it? #↳ lsblk …

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is mount option "sync" valid for all filesystems

is mount option "sync" valid for all filesystems I want to have an script that automatically mounts all USB drives on insert (granted they have a block/filesystem that is a valid partition). My questiosn is: is sync an option that can be applied to all types of filesystems (e.g. vfat, ntfs, ext2, …)? can I …

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why is the internal storage mmc and not sd?

why is the internal storage mmc and not sd? I’ve been researching the difference bewteen sd and mmc after noticing that openwrt (and other distributions) name the internal storage that contains the system as mmcblk and other disks that live in external sd card readers as sd. The thing that is confusing me is that …

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