
Reducing microphone noise using pipewire modules

Reducing microphone noise using pipewire modules With pulseaudio, it was easy to load a module for microphone noise reduction. This link explains it clearly: I want to add rnnoise as a plugin of pipewire to cancel the noise of the microphone for all users. I’m looking for a minimalist solution and would like to …

Total answers: 2

Unable to find network card after executing mdev – s?

Unable to find network card after executing mdev – s? I am customizing a Linux system with a Linux kernel version of 6.4.0. I executed mdev -s in rcS and checked the startup print, which was also successful. When I entered the live environment, I saw that the name of the network card was enp2s0. …

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No module named apparmor. Why?

No module named apparmor. Why? Context : I installed (manually) the apparmor-utils and apparmor-profiles and apparmor-utils, since when trying apt-get install apparmor-utils apparmor-profiles can’t find the packages. aa-status works as usual. I also did sed -i -e ‘s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="/&security=apparmor /’ /etc/default/grub to enable it. However when I try aa-genprof it says: import apparmor.aa as apparmor … …

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BCM4360 on MacbookPro running QubesOS – Kernel does not bind modul

BCM4360 on MacbookPro running QubesOS – Kernel does not bind modul Help! I have installed on a Qubes Standalone Debian-11 VM which is running on a MacbookPro the Broadcom-sta-dkms package. The installation does NOT indicate any errors. lsmod shows the wl module: user@sys-wifi:~$ sudo lsmod|grep wl wl 6471680 0 cfg80211 983040 1 wl The wl.ko …

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Detect a pdsh session

Detect a pdsh session On our cluster we use LMOD to load specific pre-installed modules dynamically (like PyTorch or some other scientific packages). On top of that I want to run some code with the DeepSpeed framework which allows for optimisations to run distributed code across nodes. Under the hood it uses pdsh. The issue …

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Unable to run custom modules

Unable to run custom modules I am trying to create custom private environment modules on an HPC cluster as shown here: My private modules appear in the output of the module avail command. However, when I try to load one of these, I get the following error: Lmod has detected the following error: /home/a_thomas.iitr/modulefiles/qe_7.0: …

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meld won't start on Cygwin: No module named 'meld'

meld won't start on Cygwin: No module named 'meld' I’m using Cygwin 64 on Windows 10; just updated. Some relevant package versions: meld: 3.18.0-1 python3: 3.8.6-1 python2: 2.7.18-4 I’m also using MobaXTerm’s X server (and it works – I can run xclock for example.) When I run meld in a Cygwin bash session (within mintty), …

Total answers: 4