
What is the difference between yay -Sc and yay -Scc?

What is the difference between yay -Sc and yay -Scc? I have seen seen people online use yay -Sc, but I have also seen people use yay -Scc What is the difference? There is a man page segment for yay -Sc: -Sc Yay will also clean cached AUR package and any untracked Files in the …

Total answers: 1

How to install an application from

How to install an application from I am trying to download IntelliJ IDEA application from the AUR. I can see that is on here. However when I type in sudo pacman -S intellij-idea-ultimate-edition I get error target not found : intellij-idea-ultimate-edition How do I install this package from AUR? What am I missing? …

Total answers: 4

Is it safe to install brave from AUR?

Is it safe to install brave from AUR? I’m planning to switch to ArcoLinux but I use brave and I was a little bit worried about having to install a program that is maintained by some random person that might corrupt the package itself. Is this even possible? Asked By: deomanu01 || Source AUR is …

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Can't execute shell script in AUR PKGBUILD

Can't execute shell script in AUR PKGBUILD In the PKGBUILD file for an AUR I am working on, I get the following error in my package() function: ./ No such file or directory here is the function: package() { cd /opt/"$pkgname"/pymoab ./ python install } The file is in the directory, and it is …

Total answers: 2

unable to upgrade zoom on Arch Linux

unable to upgrade zoom on Arch Linux I’ve got zoom installed on my Arch box. When I start it, it shows me a window which states on the bottom Version: 3.5.374815.0324. The problem is, I don’t remember how I got this original version installed. I tried sudo pacman -R zoom which gives me error: target …

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What's the difference between pkg, pkg-bin and pkg-git on the AUR?

What's the difference between pkg, pkg-bin and pkg-git on the AUR? For example, there’s,, and I took a look at the pkgbuilds and found no easily identifiable difference between the packages. This isn’t just one package, but many of them. What’s the difference between them? Which one should I install? Asked By: …

Total answers: 2

How to check an AUR package for malicious code?

How to check an AUR package for malicious code? Malicious code has been found and deleted later from 3 AUR packages acroread, blaz and minergate (e,g: acroread PKGBUILD detail). It was found in a commit released by a malicious user by changing the owner of the orphaned AUR package and including a malicious curl command. …

Total answers: 1