`setxkbmap kr` not doing anything?

I’m trying to add a configuration to my multilingual setup on my ArchLinux desktop, but Korean doesn’t seem to do anything, despite it being listed under setxkbmap.

How do I set it up similarly to other languages?

So far, what I’ve been doing is basically this:

# For US International:
setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl

# Or for just US:
setxkbmap us

Why doesn’t this work:

setxkbmap kr

Am I missing a (Pacman/AUR) package?

Asked By: Philippe Fanaro


I think it doesn’t work with setxkbmap because it’s a different input method, instead of a layout. But I still don’t have an explanation for why kr would be listed under setxkbmap then.

Anyway, setting up fctix — or another input method such as uim — works perfectly, and there’s a GUI tool with it, with shortcuts configurations.

Even though these links are broken, let me leave some video tutorials that might help here:

Answered By: Philippe Fanaro