How to lock down Ubuntu linux so that only the active user can log in

I am new to linux and interested in only allow in login via direct access to the machine (active user). I don’t even want to be able to log in remotely myself. Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this? I am using Ubuntu.

Asked By: pac_2023


By default, Ubuntu doesn’t allow anyone to log in remotely – you’d need to install a server for that (for example, for an SSH server, the openssh-server package), and then activate it.

So, unless you’re explicitly doing that, nobody can log in remotely.

If you already did install such a server, you can either uninstall it (sudo apt remove {name of the server package}, or just disable it (sudo systemctl disable --now {name of the service}, for example sudo systemctl disable --now sshd). But again, this will not be necessary unless you specifically set up a server first.

Answered By: Marcus Müller